Path of Exile Gameplay FAQ by Malice
Be patient with the installer, it may take quite some time "checking
resources" and "allocating space". This only happens when you first
download the game and when new patches are released, since it has to
build all the game files.
The patcher will be improved in the future so it doesn't take so long.
The patcher keeps failing part way through the download! What should I do?
It seems that a lot of people have had this problem, it is reported frequently.
At the moment, the only thing you can do is to let the patcher run until
you receive an error message, and then restart the patcher. The fact
that the patcher begins from 0% each time is deceptive, it actually
keeps whatever it managed to download each time - so you will eventually
download all of it.
Also there are some large files that cause the patcher to look like it
isn't doing anything while they are downloading (the progress bar
stops), but in fact it is still downloading. So don't restart the
patcher unless it actually loses the connection or times out.
- Left click to move
- Right click on a skill hotkey slot (in the bottom right of the screen) to assign an action to that key
- Use left ALT to show/hide item names, sockets on gear, chests etc.
You can tweak the default for whether items are shown or not in the options.
- Hold SHIFT to disable movement commands. As long as shift is held you won't be able to move - this is useful for attacking without moving.
- Press TAB to show the map. Use the arrow keys to scroll the map.
- You can enable a corner minimap in the options.
- Most of the keys can be reconfigured in the options.
The default keys are:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for flasks
Mouse1, Mouse2, Mouse3, Q, W, E, R, T for skills
O opens the options panel
C opens the character panel
S opens the social panel
F opens the contacts page
L opens the ladder panel (currently inactive)
I opens the inventory panel
U opens the quest panel
P opens the passive skills panel
- You can swap between two weapon sets by pressing the X key,
or clicking the tabs above the slots on the inventory screen. Gems in
the swapped-out set continue to gain experience as normal, but their
skills cannot be used unless swapped back in.
- To quickly move an item from your inventory to the vendor sell window, SHIFT-click the item.
- Holding ALT while mousing over an item will bring up a side by side comparison with your currently equipped gear.
- With the chat window open, CTRL-click an item to quickly link it in chat.
- There are some chat commands available. Type /help in game to get a list of commands.
- Press F8 to take a screenshot. They are saved in the Screenshots directory wherever you have Path of Exile installed, for example:
c:\Program Files\Path of Exile\Screenshots\
If you are taking a screenshot for reporting a bug, remember to type /debug before taking the screenshot
- Press F1 to show FPS and network latency information
Skill gems & sockets
Sooner or later you will get your hands on some skill gems.
- Gems must be socketed in your gear to grant access to the skill.
- A gem will only go into a socket of matching colour
- Gems can be socketed and removed from sockets as much as you like. Right click a gem to remove it from a socket
- Sockets appear randomly on items. The rarity of an item does not affect how many sockets it has.
- Sockets can be linked. The links are shown as gold bars between the
sockets. Support gems affect any skill gems in sockets that they are
linked to.
- Gems you have socketed in gear you are wearing will gain experience
and level up, even if you are not using the skills they grant.
- Some NPCs will give you quests if you talk to them.
- Vendors update their inventory every time you level up. Be sure to check in with them for weapon/armour upgrades
General gameplay tips
- Flasks recharge slightly every time you kill an enemy. So don't
be afraid to use flasks that are full to keep your life and mana topped
up - your flasks are only replenishing their charges when they aren't
already full.
- Items with great stats might seem like the best choice at first,
but don't neglect sockets. As long as they are socketed, skill gems
gain experience whether you are using the skills they grant or not, so
keeping them socketed will mean they get more powerful sooner.
A good socket arrangement on an item with mediocre stats is sometimes a better choice than a great item with bad sockets.
- Spend some time looking at the passive skill web, it can appear
daunting at first, but it will soon become familiar. Skill points can
be refunded, but refund points are hard to come by, so choose wisely.
- If you're just starting out and are unsure how you wish to play
your character, try to avoid specialising too heavily. For instance,
stay away from skills that improve one handed weapon damage if you feel
you might end up liking to swing a two-hander.
Linking items in the forums
To link an item in the forums, click on your character at the bottom of the forum, and click on the item.
The item will be inserted into the post you are writing.
Skill Types
Skills currently come in two main varieties: spells, and attack skills.
Any skill that uses your weapon damage counts as an attack skill, and everything else counts as a spell.
Attack skills
Attack skills are dependent on your weapon, and so are affected by
attack speed, accuracy, etc.. Bonus damage from rings and other gear is
applied when using an attack skill.
Spells do not draw their damage from your weapon in any way. They are
affected by % cast speed, %fire/cold/lightning damage, %spell damage,
and critical strikes. Integer damage bonuses on gear are not added to
Traps are very similar to spells, but are not affected by cast speed or
spell damage mods. They are affected by % trap laying speed, and
relevant damage mods. Integer damage bonuses on gear are not added to
The only exception to this is
Town Portal, which is not affected by attack speed, cast speed, or anything else.
Support Gems
Support gems only affects skills where it makes sense. For instance, skills that do not already do damage (such as
Temporal Chains) will not benefit from
Added Cold Damage. Skills that do not already have an area of effect will not benefit from
Increased Area of Effect, etc.
Skill gem experience gain
- Gems get experience equal to 10% of the experience you earn.
- The number of gems you have equipped has no effect on the rate of
XP gain. So having less gems equipped does not cause them to gain XP
faster than if you had many gems equipped.
- Gems are not affected by the experience penalty when facing enemies below your level.
The main difference between the classes is their stating location on the
passive skill tree. Classes also start with different amounts of
attributes at level 1:
Marauder: 30 STR, 14 DEX, 14 INT
Ranger: 14 STR, 30 DEX, 14 INT
Witch: 14 STR, 14 DEX, 30 INT
Duelist: 22 STR, 22 DEX, 14 INT
Templar: 22 STR, 14 DEX, 22 INT
Dex/Int: 14 STR, 22 DEX, 22 INT
Life/mana per level
All classes begin with the same base stats, and gain the same amount per level:
50 life, +6 per level
40 mana, +4 per level
50 evasion, +3 per level (including level 1)
Attributes are required to equip gear and skills. The three attributes also grant some passive bonuses:
Strength grants +0.5 life and +0.2% melee physical damage per point
Dexterity grants +2 accuracy and +0.2% evasion per point
Intelligence grants +0.5 mana and +0.2% energy shield per point
Therefore the +10 attribute passive skills effectively grant:
+10 Strength: +5 life, +2% melee physical damage
+10 Dexterity: +20 accuracy, +2% evasion
+10 Intelligence: +5 mana, +2% energy shield
Life and mana regeneration
All classes have a base mana regeneration rate of 105% of their maximum
mana per minute. For example, a character with 100 maximum mana will
regenerate 105 mana per minute, or 1.75 mana per second.
"Increased Mana regeneration rate" modifiers modify the base rate. For example,
20% Increased Mana regeneration rate would result in 105 * 1.2 = 126% per minute.
Characters do not begin with any life regeneration, but it is available from gear and passive skills.
The regeneration rate of life gained from life leech is capped at 20% of
maximum life per second. If you have 1000 maximum life, and leech 600
life with a single attack, it will take three seconds for that life to
be applied to your current life. You always get the full amount of life
leeched, it is only the rate at which it regenerates that is capped -
if you leech a large amount of life during a battle, you may find that
the regeneration continues long after the battle is over. Similar to
flasks, the regeneration from leech will stop if you reach maximum life.
The same is true for mana leech, although the cap is 12.5% of maximum mana per second.
Attribute requirements
Most gear has attribute requirements that must be met in order to equip
the gear. These requirements come from the base item type and are
unaffected by magical modifiers, quality, or number of sockets. A
complete list of gear and attribute requirements can be found
Level requirements
Some items have a level requirement that must be met in order to equip the item.
There are two factors that affect level requirements.
- The level of the base item type. This is the level that the item starts appearing (and is separate from the itemlevel
that affects which magical modifiers can spawn on it). See the item
data link above for a list with all item levels. Some of the very
low-level base items do not come with a level requirement.
- The level of the magical modifiers.
The level requirement for magical modifiers is equal to 80% of the level of the highest-level magical modifier on the item.
- The highest level requirement of the two listed above is the one that appears on the item.
Drop rates
There is a penalty to the chance of currency items (scrolls, orbs, etc.)
dropping in areas with a monster level more than two levels lower than
your character level. For each additional level that you have compared
to the area's monster level+2, the chance of a currency item drop is
reduced by 2.5%.
So if you are level 30 in a level 20 area, you will see 20% less currency item drops on average:
A level 30 character in a level 28 area will see no penalty.
Currency item Drops are not increased or decreased in this way when fighting in areas above your level.
For the purposes of this penalty, your level is never considered to be
higher than 58. Therefore a level 70 character receives no penalty in a
level 56 area.
There are two modifiers that affect drop rates in the game,
increased item rarity, and
increased item quantity.
There are three potential sources of these modifiers:
- the player (skills, passives, gear etc.)
- monsters (such as bosses and champions)
- Party bonuses
Modifiers from the player stack additively with each other, and are subject to diminishing returns.
Modifiers from the party bonus and monsters stack additively with each other, and are
not subject to diminishing returns.
The total player bonus stacks multiplicatively with the total party & monster bonus.
Increased Item Rarity
Increased Item Rarity % modifiers increase the chances of an item being
magic, rare, or unique. For example with a total of +100% increased
item rarity, you'd get twice as many magic items, twice as many rares
and twice as many uniques from normal enemies.
This modifier has no effect on the number or type of currency items, scrolls, or gems that drop.
When in a party, only the modifier from the player who lands the killing blow on an enemy is counted.
If one of your minions gets a kill, the minion's IIR is added to yours and the total is used.
Magic, rare, and unique monsters have an Increased item rarity modifier for drops.
Increased Item Quantity
This modifier increases the average number of items that drop from
monsters and chests. It does not affect the type, quality, or rarity of
item dropped, only the chance that
something will drop. There is no cap on the usefulness of this modifier, as monsters can drop more than one item at a time.
The base chance for an item to drop from a normal monster is 16%. This
varies between monster types, and special monsters have higher drop
When in a party, each player in the party after the first gives the equivalent of +50% item quantity modifier on drops.
All weapons, armour, flasks and gems can randomly receive between +1% and +20% quality.
This value can be increased by
Armour Shards,
Flask Quality Upgrades, and
Gem Quality Upgrades, but is capped at 20%.
The effect of quality depends on the item:
- On weapons, increased physical damage
- On armour, increased Armour rating, Evasion, Energy Shield, and Shield Block Chance
- On flasks, increased life and mana recovery
- On gems, the bonus is specific to each gem. For instance, Frenzy gets increased damage, while Cleave gets increased attack speed.
- On maps, increases the item quantity bonus from monsters in the map area.
Modifiers are split up in to two main groups, prefixes and suffixes. A
magic item can have only one prefix and one suffix, never two prefixes
or two suffixes.
Rare items can have up to six modifiers, it is unknown if there is a limit on how many of these can be prefixes/suffixes.
A randomly generated rare item (from a drop or Orb of Alchemy) receives
between four and six modifiers randomly, with the following odds:
1/12 chance of 6 mods
4/12 chance of 5 mods
7/12 chance of 4 mods
All modifiers have a level associated with them, and will only appear on items whos
item level is greater than or equal to the modifier's level.
Lists of available magical modifiers are available in the
item data section.
The "Culling Strike" modifier (found on some unique items) causes monsters to die if you strike them down to 10% or less life.
Modifier Stacking
In general, integer modifiers are applied before percentages. Percentage
modifiers using the words "% increased" or "% reduced" stack
additively with one another, while "% more" and "% less" modifiers
stack multiplicatively.
When dealing with weapons, some modifiers that are listed
on the weapon itself
are applied first, before mods from other pieces of equipment, skills,
and so on. This includes anything affecting physical damage, such as
increased physical damage,
added physical damage,
etc., and also attack speed, critical strike chance, critical strike
multiplier, and accuracy. It does not include elemental damage mods.
Similarly, when dealing with armour, evasion, and energy shield on armour, any modifiers affecting those stats that are listed
on the piece of armour
are applied first. This includes quality and any other mods directly
affecting armour, evasion, or energy shield amount. It does not include
mods affecting the energy shield recharge delay or regeneration rate,
only the amount of energy shield.
Imagine I have 100 life, and two passive skills that increase total life
by 15%. The total bonus will be 30%, resulting in 130 life.
Now imagine I am wearing boots that give +40 life, and have a passive
skill that grants +20 life. The integer bonuses are applied first,
giving me 160 life, then the percentage bonuses are applied to that
subtotal, for a final total of 208 life.
Quality behaves differently on armour and flasks than on weapons. On
armour and flasks, it stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers on
that piece of equipment.
Quality on weapons stacks additively with other % modifiers on the weapon.
For example:
[there was an item linked here that has since been wiped. It had +69 armour, 9% increased armour, and 20% quality]
This Horned Casque has a base armour rating of 428. Then the +69 is
added to get 497 armour. Then the 9% bonus raises it to 541, and finally
+20% quality results in 650 armour.
Another example calculation
If you had a sword whose unmodified damage is 10-20, with the following modifiers:
50% increased physical damage on the weapon;
20% quality on the weapon;
5-10 added physical damage on the weapon;
6-9 added physical damage on a ring;
passive skills granting 30% increased sword damage;
a skill that does 40% increased damage and 30% less damage;
the calculation would would look like this:
Base damage: 10-20
Stage 1, on-weapon modifiers: (10-20 + 5-10) x (1 + 0.5 + 0.2) = 25.5-51
Stage 2, all other modifiers: (25.5-51 + 6-9) x (1 + 0.3 + 0.4) x 0.7 = 37-71
There are three types of sockets:
1. Strength (red)
2. Dexterity (green)
3. Intelligence (blue)
Sockets appear randomly on most equipable items. Higher level items can
appear with more sockets than lower level items of the same type.
The maximum amount of sockets that can appear on an item also varies by the type of item:
- Two handed weapons and body armour can have up to 6 sockets
- Wands, shields, and one handed weapons can have a maximum of 3 sockets
- Everything else can have a maximum of 4 sockets
One exception to this is the starting weapon that appears on the
beach at the start of the game. Its item level is 1 but it always has
one socket of each colour.
- Items are more likely to receive sockets that match their
attribute requirements. So an item requiring only dexterity is more
likely to have green sockets than red or blue sockets.
- You can only put a blue (intelligence) gem in a blue socket, red gem in a red socket, etc.
- Sockets can be linked. The links are shown as gold bars between the
sockets. Support gems affect any skill gems in sockets that they are
linked to.
For example:

This sword has 1 strength socket, 1 intelligence socket, and 2 dexterity
sockets. Every socket is linked to every other socket. In this sword
you could put:
- 4 skill gems. You would get access to 4 active skills.
- 3 skill gems and one support gem. You would get access to 3 active skills, and all three would be improved by the support gem.
- 2 skill gems, 2 support gems. You get 2 active skills, both are improved by both support gems
- 1 skill gem, 3 support gems. You get 1 active skill that is boosted by all 3 support gems.
So lets say you put in:
Cleave skill gem,
Raise Zombie skill gem, and
Added Cold Damage support gem.
You would get a cleave skill that does extra cold damage, and raise zombie skill with zombies that do extra cold damage.
You would
not get zombies that have cleave, or raise a zombie every time you use cleave.
If two of the same support gem are linked to the same skill within the
same socket group, they do not stack. Only the highest-level gem gives a
Additionally, two skill gems of the same type can be used in separate
socket groups, resulting in more than one usable version of that skill.
Skill Gems are only affected by support gems in the same socket group.
For example, imagine a piece of armour with 5 sockets. The first two
sockets are linked in one group, and the remaining three sockets are
linked in a separate group. If you put
Cleave and
Faster Attacks in the first group, and
Added Fire Damage, and
Added Cold Damage
in the second group, you would have two different versions of cleave
available - one cleave skill that attacks faster, and another cleave
that does bonus fire and cold damage.
Small letters appear over the skill icons for each support gem you have
attached to that skill. This allows you to differentiate between the
different versions if you have more than one of the same skill gem
Item level
Each item has a level associated with it that is equal to the
monster level
of the area it dropped in. The monster level is shown on the map
overlay. Rare and unique monsters have +2 to their level, and will yield
items with an
itemlevel two levels higher than other monsters in the same area.
You can check an item's level by picking it up on the cursor and typing
/itemlevel in the chat box. This item level determines which modifiers
it can receive, and how many sockets it can receive.
Vendor Item levels
Items obtained from vendors can have an item level up to character level + 1, but will not exceed the following maximums:
Normal Act 1: 16
Normal Act 2: 25
Cruel Act 1: 31
Cruel Act 2: 35
Ruthless Act 1: 43
Ruthless Act 2: 48
Merciless Act 1: 50
Merciless Act 2: 50
Item level needed for number of sockets (research ongoing)
1 socket : 1
2 sockets: 1
3 sockets: 15
4 sockets: 28
5 sockets: 35
6 sockets: 50 (lowest seen so far)
Level scaling
Effect of level on PvP Damage
Level itself does not affect any combat calculations outside of PvP. Damage in PvP is scaled based on level as follows:
damage multiplier = 1/(1+(attacker_level/8))
For example a level 30 character will have their PvP damage reduced by
79%, while a level 60 character will have their damage reduced by 88%.
Effect of level on experience
Level also affects the amount of XP you gain from killing enemies. There
are two penalties that are applied, one when in a party, and another
based on the relative level of the player and monsters. Both of these
are applied at the same time if you are both in a party, and too far
above or below the monster level.
The multiplier for XP while in a party is players share (Level+10)^2.71
divided by the total of all players shares. For example, if a level 10
player was partied with a level 30 player:
Level 10 player's share: (10+10)^2.71 = 3355
Level 30 player's share: (30+10)^2.71 = 21957
Total Shares: 3356 + 21957 = 25313
Level 10 player would receive: 3355/25313 = 0.132 = 13.2% of the XP
Level 30 player would receive: 21957/25313 = 0.867 = 86.7% of the XP
The player also suffers a penalty to XP if they are too far above or
below the monster's level. There is a safe level range where no penalty
is applied, which is equal to three, plus one for every sixteen
complete player levels. Any additional level difference in excess of
this safe range is called the
Effective Difference.
The formula then applied is:
((PlayerLevel +5)^1.5) / ((PlayerLevel+5+(EffectiveDifference^2.5))^1.5)
So a level 24 character has a safe band of 3+1=4 levels. So from Monster
level 20 to 28, there is an effective level difference of 0. At
Monster Levels 19 and 29, the Effective level difference is 1. The
Effective Difference matters in either direction.
Here are graphs of the experience multiplier by
monster level and by
effective level.
Effect of level on currency item drops
See the drop rates section above for details on how level affects currency item drops.
Dual wielding
Dual wielding grants a +10% attack speed bonus, and a 15% chance to
block. The attack speed bonus is applied multiplicatively with other
attack speed modifiers.
The default attack and certain other skills will alternate between each weapon, striking with each hand in turn.
Some skills (such as Cleave and Dual Strike) attack with both weapons at once, while others only use the main-hand weapon.
Hit & damage calculation order of effects
There are a number of steps involved in deciding whether an attack hits or not and how much damage is done:
1) Avoiding the hit:
- At this stage there is a chance to evade attacks (accuracy vs evasion)
- Any chance to dodge from acrobatics or phase acrobatics is also checked here
2) Avoiding the damage:
- Blocking is checked
3) Mitigating the damage:
- Physical damage reduction and resitances are applied
4) Taking the damage:
- Non-chaos damage is removed from energy shield until it's depleted.
- Any remaining damage (including all chaos) is removed from life.
Whenever a player or monster takes damage, there is a chance they will
be stunned. A stun interrupts whatever that creature was doing while a
brief animation is played. The default length of stuns is 350ms. The
duration of stuns can be altered by
reduced block and stun recovery,
increased stun duration, and similar modifiers.
The formula used for determining whether or not a stun occurs is:
stun_chance = 200 * damage / defender_effective_max_life
Where defender_effective_max_life is the maximum life of the creature
being hit. Increases to monster life from a party of more than one
player do not affect defender_effective_max_life.
For a player with Chaos Inoculation, their defender_effective_max_life
is whatever their max life would be if they did not have Chaos
Reduced stun threshold modifiers reduce the value of
defender_effective_max_life. For example, 25% stun threshold reduction
means you treat their maximum life as only 75% as much as it actually
is, meaning you stun them easier.
If the stun chance would be less than or equal to 25%, it's ignored, so
you need to deal more than 12.5% of effective maximum life to have a
chance to stun.
Accuracy is compared to enemy evasion when determining if an attack hits or misses. The complete formula is below:
chance to hit = attacker_accuracy / ( attacker_accuracy + ((defender_evasion/4)^0.8))
Chance to hit can never be lower than 5%, nor higher than 95%.
Evading an attack prevents all damage and other harmful effects from the
attack. Only attacks and attack skills can be evaded. Spells cannot be
Blocking an attack prevents all damage and other harmful effects from
the attack. Usually, only attacks and attack skills can be blocked, but
there are some passive skills that allow you to block spells.
Chance to block is capped at 75%.
When an attack is blocked, the game first calculates if the attack would
have caused a stun were it not blocked. If it would have caused a
stun, the blocking animation is played, stunning you briefly. If it
would not have caused a stun, then you get a "free" block with no
Faster Block and Stun Recovery and
Increased Block Recovery modifiers reduce the length of the blocking animation.
Armour / Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction reduces physical damage taken. Elemental damage and
damage-over-time are not affected. The amount of damage reduction
depends on the defender's armour total, and the attacker's attack
reduction = armour / (armour + 12*damage)
The amount of reduction is capped, it cannot be more than 95%.
The fact that damage reduction scales with the amount of damage means it
is difficult to know exactly how much damage is being reduced.
An easy to remember rule of thumb is that to achieve 50% damage
reduction, you will need an armour rating equal to twelve times that of
the damage being dealt. For example, to achieve 50% damage reduction
against a 100 damage hit, you'll need 1200 armour.
Here are two graphical representations of the armour formula:
Effect of X Armour on Damage
Effect of Armour on X Damage
Energy Shield
As long as you have greater than 0 Energy Shield, you have a 50% chance to avoid stun.
Energy Shield acts as an additional hit point pool on top of life. If
you have any Energy Shield remaining when you take damage, the damage is
subtracted from the Energy Shield first. Damage is only applied to
life once all Energy Shield is depleted. The exception to this is Chaos
Damage, which ignores Energy Shield.
Energy Shield will recharge if you do not take any damage for a certain
period of time. The default delay is 6 seconds. This time can be
reduced with
reduced energy shield delay modifiers from passive skills and gear. The formula for the recharge delay is:
100 / ( 100 + reduction )
so 100% reduction is halving the delay, not removing it entirely.
Critical Strikes
Whenever you use a skill or attack, you have a chance to deal a Critical
Strike. Critical Strikes are rolled on a per-action basis, not
So each time you use a skill, the Critical Strike roll is made once and
only once. If you roll a Critical Strike, you will deal Critical damage
to all enemies hit by the skill.
Critical Strikes do more damage than normal, based on your
Critical Strike Damage Multiplier.
All characters have a base Critical Strike multiplier of 150%, meaning a
critical strike does 150% of normal damage. This multiplier can be
increased with various skills and modifiers on items.
For instance, with a multiplier of 250%, if you deal a Critical Strike
with attack that normally does 100 damage, you will instead deal 250
The chance to deal a critical strike is taken from the weapon used to
perform an attack or attack skill, and in the case of spells, each spell
has it's own critical strike chance, which is listed in the skill
gem's description.
This value can be increased by
increased critical strike chance
modifiers from spells and gear. For example, if you are using a weapon
with 5% chance to crit, and you have 50% increased critical strike
chance, you will have a 7.5% chance to score a critical strike.
Critical chance can not be less than 5% nor more than 95%.
Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage Multiplier are
calculated separately for each spell and weapon attack. All weapons and
damage-dealing spells have a base Critical Strike chance listed on
them. This only affects your chance to critical for attacks made with
that weapon or spell. For instance the critical strike chance on a wand
does not affect your chance to critical with a spell.
Damage Types
There are currently 5 main types of damage, they are Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Chaos.
Fire, Cold, and Lightning are collectively known as
Elemental Damage.
Damage reduction from armour only affects physical damage. Each of the
elemental damage types has it's own resistance value (eg "Fire
resistance") which is viewable in the character sheet. Resistances
reduce damage taken, and are capped at 75%.
Fire damage
If you land a critical strike with an attack or spell that deals fire damage, the enemy begins
Burning. Burning causes damage over time. Humanoids, Monkeys and Sea Witches will flee while burning.
Burning lasts 4 seconds, and the amount of damage over time is 1/3 of
the fire damage dealt per second. So a total of 4/3 of the original
damage, over 4 seconds.
Cold damage
Hitting an enemy with cold damage can cause the enemy to be
Chilled. Critical hits with cold damage can also cause the target to be
Frozen. Chilled enemies move, attack, and cast 30% slower, while frozen enemies cannot do anything except drink flasks.
Lightning damage
If you land a critical strike with an attack or spell that deals lightning damage, the enemy becomes
This can be stacked up to three times on one target. In this state,
monsters or players take 40% additional damage per instance of Shock.
Shock stacks additively with itself, for a maximum of 120% with a stack
of three. The damage multiplier itself applies multiplicatively with
your final damage, since it it increasing the
damage the enemy takes, rather than the damage you deal.
Chaos Damage
Chaos damage ignores energy shield, reducing life directly.
Burning, Chilled, Frozen, and Shocked are collectively known as
Status Ailments.
The duration of the chilled, frozen, and shocked statuses is related to the amount of cold/lightning damage dealt.
If the duration based on the damage would be less that 300ms, it's ignored entirely.
Some skills grant Endurance (strength), Frenzy (dexterity), or Power (intelligence) charges.
Each charge lasts a short duration before it disappears. Gaining a charge resets the duration of all accumulated charges.
Endurance charges are related to the strength attribute and
grant +5% physical damage reduction, and +5% to elemental resistances
(fire, cold, and lightning) per charge.
The physical damage reduction stacks with the damage reduction from
armour, so that they are both applied at the same time. For example, if a
monster deals 100 damage, and you have 10% DR from two endurance
charges, and enough armour to prevent 30 of the 100 damage, the incoming
damage would be reduced by 40.
Frenzy charges are related to the dexterity attribute and grant +5% attack speed and +5% cast speed per charge.
Power charges are related to the intelligence attribute and grant +50% critical strike chance per charge.
By default characters can have a maximum number of 3 active charges of
each type at one time. This maximum can be increased by certain passive
The maximum party size is 6 players.
Effect on monsters
Monsters gain 50% extra life for each additional party member after the
first. For example, against a party of 3 players, monsters have double
The original life amount is used for the purposes of determining the
length of stuns and status ailments from elemental damage - this means
monsters will not be harder to stun/ignite/etc. when fighting in a
Effect on loot
Each player in a party after the first gives the equivalent of +50% item
quantity modifier on drops. So a party of three will see twice as many
drops as a lone character.
Increased Item Rarity & Quantity modifiers are only counted from the player who lands the killing blow.
Effect on experience
For a description on how experience is shared between players, see the
level scaling section above. Only party members actually in the instance
count toward getting XP. If one member is in town he gets no XP.
Experience is only shared with other players who are near you (roughly
two screens). Monsters are still made harder by players elsewhere on the
Being in an are with a party member grants you a 30% experience bonus.
Monsters give +50% base XP for every party member after the first.
Effect on flasks
Only the character landing the killing blow on an enemy will gain flask
charges. The same is true for all +life and +mana gained "when you deal
a killing blow" modifiers.
Flasks have a +75% charge recovery bonus for each party member after the first.
Wraeclast area map
Check out the new version here
OLD IMAGE FORMAT VERSION LAST UPDATED 12/25/11 courtesy of Grytswyrm
All areas in Path of Exile are instanced. When you enter an area, a new
instance is created. Once you leave the area, the instance will remain
in its current state for 15 minutes - if 15 minutes passes with no
players entering the instance, it will be closed. Entering the same area
again will create a new instance with a new randomly generated map.
Areas without side areas attached (any area with two or less exits) has a
shorter timer, and will only last 8 minutes while empty.
Instances you create are private, and cannot be entered by other players
unless they join your party. However, once a player has entered an
instance, that instance remains associated with the player even if they
leave the party. So it is possible to share an instance with non-party
members in some circumstances.
The exception to this is towns, which are always public, and cut-throat
leagues, where all instances are public - meaning anyone can enter your
instances at any time.
Some areas have waypoints. Once activated (by clicking on the waypoint),
waypoints allow you to travel instantly to any other waypoint you have
Ctrl-clicking on a waypoint destination in the waypoint menu, or an area
transition will bring up the instance management screen. This screen
lists all available instances of the area you ctrl-clicked on, and the
time remaining until they are closed. It also allows you to create new
instances, and enter existing ones.
Using the instance management screen you can have more than once
instance of the same area open at one time, and choose which available
instance you want to enter.